I quite don't understand how connectionLimit
in mysql module works.
I have created a connectionPool in following way:
var connPool = mysql.createPool({ host: config.get('database.host'), user: config.get('database.user'), password: config.get('database.password'), database: config.get('database.dbname'), connectionLimit: 5 });
Now, what does limit 5 do here?
Here's what I think:
Suppose there are 5 users using my REST API for selecting some data from a table. Now in my API, I get a connection from pool, do stuff and then release the connection.
So now, suppose there are 12 users who send request to this API concurrently. So first 5 of them should get access to the data and other 7 will get error / no response. They will have to request again to get the data.
Is this like so or something else?